Frage Using the Provisions on the hud

  • Savannah Joy
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Using the Provisions on the hud wurde erstellt von Savannah Joy

Posted 07 März 2023 04:49 #2323
I just started up farming on another grid . . . just getting setteled in & learning about all the new features of the new farming system.  I'm really liking it, too ;) 
I seem to not understand about this one thing where when I added SOMETHING (I do not remember what it was) But it brought the numbers up instead of down of what I had in provisions which it was at 0 first . . . than after adding this it brought the numbers to like -5000 . . . how do I clear that out without having to make a ton of food to bring that number back to normal?  Why does this happen . . . I could not figure out why this would happen . . . are there certain foods that are not compatible with the provisions part of the hud?

ALSO - why is it that my provisions were nicely filled in the HUD than when I logged in the next day everything was reset to 0?

Is there a bin that stores magazines & newspapers or do we have to make one?

Another question . . . I thought I heard that there was a place where you could store partially used items?  Where do I find that at please & TY! ;) ?

Thanking you kindly,

Passion! ;)
Last Edit:07 März 2023 05:12 von Savannah Joy
Letzte Änderung: 07 März 2023 05:12 von Savannah Joy. Begründung: Add new material

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  • Buzzy Cnayl
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Buzzy Cnayl antwortete auf Using the Provisions on the hud

Posted 07 März 2023 12:36 #2324
Glad to hear you are discovering new things! For the storage of magazines and newspapers, there wasn't a storage unit (just the bookcase surface) but I've just made a couple of units and put them out in the Mintor store.  It's also reminded me that although the WC lists SF Magazine as one of the possible ingredients, we don't actually have the magazine yet!  I will look into adding ways to make that and also add it into the Exchange soon.

For the rest of your questions, they all revolve around the 'Provisions' feature of the HUD. That is where you can store food and drink that is less than 100%. As for the numbers not making sense, yes, it seems that something isn't working properly in the current HUD. I'm looking into that but for now probably best to be cautious around using that feature (for me, I find that saving items less than 100% seems to work, but otherwise it keeps messing up )
von Buzzy Cnayl

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  • Savannah Joy
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Savannah Joy antwortete auf Using the Provisions on the hud

Posted 08 März 2023 14:15 #2325
OHHHHH! Thank You Buzzy! I did not realize that was for partially used items. I was putting whole items in there & thank you for answering the rest of my questions ;)

No I go on with my daily chores of a farming lady ;)

Hehe ;)

Passion! ;)
von Savannah Joy

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